How Too Good To Go Uses Giveaways to Generate Engagement and Stay Connected with its Community

Campaign summary
Too Good To Go has an established social media strategy that incorporates regular social media giveaways that generate user interaction and conversations and increase demand for Too Good To Go's products. The brand combines various giveaway dynamics, always using the Easypromos random winner selection tool. It allows Too Good To Go to choose and announce giveaway winners in a transparent and reliable way, proven by a Certificate of Validity that shows the exact time of the winner selection.
Besides regular comment giveaways on Instagram, Too Good To Go launches List Giveaways; they upload lists of more than 80,000 registered users to run automatic and reliable giveaways. The upload process is quick and easy, and most importantly, it fully complies with the General Data Protection Regulation. The application allows the brand to choose the data that can be made public. Too Good To Go has also established a totally anonymous process of uploading the user data to the giveaway application. Discover more about Too Good To Go's strategy in the following video or read on!

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Negroni es una marca histórica del sector alimentario italiano. Su marca principal son las salsichas “Golosino”, y para ella puso en marcha una campaña de verano dirigida al público infantil.
De la acción se encargó Promosfera, agencia de marketing especializada en concursos, sorteos y asignaciones directas de premios a nivel internacional. Creen en el trabajo de equipo y en la necesidad de enfrentar cada reto con profesionalidad.

Too Good To Go is the world's number one app for fighting food waste. It connects customers with businesses whose products could otherwise be unsold and therefore disposed of. Users get to purchase food at a reduced rate, while the companies prevent their products from going to waste, opting for a more sustainable world.
Watch the following interview with Gisela Casanovas, Global Social Media Manager at Too Good To Go, to discover how the company incorporated giveaways into its online and social media strategy to attain marketing objectives and generate sales.
Índice de contenidos del vídeo-entrevista con Too Good To Go:
- 0:50 - ¿Cómo funciona Too Good To Go?
- 2:40 - ¿Cómo nació Too Good To Go?
- 3:32 - Too Good To Go en las redes sociales
- 7:19 - ¿Y cómo usan los sorteos?
- 10:16 - ¿Para qué usan la app de Sorteo de un listado?
- 14:35 - ¿Para qué más utilizan las apps de Easypromos?
- 15:19 - ¿Cómo descubrieron Easypromos?
- 16:14 - Un consejo final para nuevos usuarios de Easypromos

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How Too Good To Go uses social media giveaways
Too Good To Go is active on different social media channels, depending on the country. However, the most popular social media channel is Instagram where Too Good To Go has more than 2 million followers from all over the world. The main goal of the brand's social media communications is to inspire and empower users to save food and put a stop to food waste. Too Good To Go shares a variety of content that aims to help users consume the bought food, instead of throwing it away. The content includes recipes, tips, and tricks, as well as information on how the Too Good To Go app helps save food and reduce food waste.
"We have a very active audience that interacts with our content on social media. This allowed us to create a Waste Warriors community, which is a group of people really interested in tips for reducing food waste. Many of them share their own home remedies and advice", explains Gisela Casanovas. The brand opts for active listening, which allows them to provide relevant content. "Content creators tend to have more followers and higher engagement but brands can also aim for the same level of user interaction. With the help of dynamic actions like social media giveaways, brands can reach more users and improve brand recognition", says Gisela.

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Social media giveaways help Too Good To Go in spreading its messages and disseminating content. "We team up with brands that share our values and together organize giveaways and other promotional actions. For example, the campaign we launched with Braun aimed to prevent the waste of ugly or imperfect fruit and vegetables because they're the least bought products in shops and supermarkets, we thought it'd be a good idea to amplify the campaign with a giveaway".
The giveaway prizes are always the collaborators' products, sometimes combined with Too Good To Go packs. Too Good To Go always has in mind the nature and meaning of the raffled prizes. The prize that most appealed to its audience was a prize of giveaway organized in collaboration with Imagin Bank, the prize involved was a getaway at the first sustainable resort.
Another popular action that Too Good To Go has incorporated into its strategy is the "Waste Warrior of the month". The main goal of this campaign is to reward the users that regularly save food and interact with the app. "We combine social media with our business - the app - so that the participants can save a pack of food and then share it on social media, participating in the giveaway. Thanks to the Easypromos tool we can easily manage the winner selection process, connecting our Instagram account with Easypromos.

A new paragraph with some text.
The solution: List Giveaways
The anti-food waste app uses various Easypromos applications but Instagram and list giveaways are the ones that form a fundamental part of Too Good To Go's strategy. "If our main goal is to generate engagement by giving away incentives to our community, then the promotional action will be always based solely on social media, asking users to follow our account, mention friends, and share their favorite food-saving tricks. We then select a winner from among all the users that followed all the participation requirements. However, we sometimes combine this tactic with one more step, in which we ask potential participants to save a food pack.
The List Giveaway is especially useful for Too Good To Go whenever they want users to save a food pack via the app in order to participate in the giveaway. In this case, the CRM team generates a document with the IDs of all the users that saved a pack during the participation period. The marketing team then goes on to upload the list to the List Giveaway app, which selects winners from among the user IDs. Finally, the marketing team asks for the contact details of the winners so that they can contact them and share prizes.
It's highly important for Too Good To Go to demonstrate transparency and trust in all the giveaways they organize, as they're one of the brand's core values. This is why the company is always on top of its game with it comes to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and therefore, the members of the team in charge of running the giveaway don't know the names or emails of the winner until the very last moment. Before then, the organizers can only see the participants' ID numbers. "Being able to upload files with as many as 80,000 participants facilitates the management of the promotion and the winner selection process (...) Being able to show the exact time of when the winner was chosen, the alternate winner, the Certificate of Validity... All these factors fit in perfectly with our values of being transparent".

Users that saved a food pack are registered in Too Good To Go's CRM.
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An excel document with the IDs of users that saved a food pack while the giveaway was on is generated.
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The excel sheet with user IDs is uploaded to the List Giveaway app and the winners are selected.
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The winners' IDs are assigned to user contact details so that the winners can be contacted and rewarded.
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Channels used to promote the giveaways
Too Good To Go uses various online channels to disseminate its content and stay connected with its audience. The most popular is the newsletter (incorporated into the CRM), push notifications, and in-app messages. "By using different communication channels we get to share different messages. In the case of social media, we often offer incentives so that people feel more motivated to reduce food waste", explains Gisela Casanovas. The brand strives for a variety of different messages, combining tips on food-saving with awareness-raising campaigns, as well as recipes.
As seen on the previous screenshots of Too Good To Go's giveaways, it can be easily noticed that the brand announces its giveaway on Instagram. However, they use all the other media to keep the users informed.

Directora ejecutiva de Promosfera

Gisela Casanovas
Global Social Media Manager in Too Good To Go
We started to regularly use Easypromos to run and manage Instagram giveaways before also putting the List Giveaway app to regular use when we decided to generate user interaction and demand for our products in a transparent way. The features that the Easypromos tools come with, especially the Certificate of Validity, give complete security to all the promotional actions executed with Easypromos.

Easypromos allows you to run transparent and reliable giveaways
The List Giveaway allows brands to select random winners of their giveaways in a transparent and secure way. Additionally, all the Easypromos apps comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. Contact us to find out more about our giveaway apps.

Uploading a CSV or Excel file with user data is easy and intuitive.
Sin ninguna necesidad de programación.
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Certificate of Validity with the exact time and date and other information.
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Prepared for a lot of data.
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Easypromos has valid ISO certifications.
Empresa con garantía ISO de Seguridad de la información
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